60 before 30

While I continually post my monthly goals, I have been thinking about creating a larger list of items I want to accomplish in the years to come, rather just in the current month. I have seen a few 101 in 1001 posts, where the goal-setter strives to achieve 101 things in 1001 days. I love this idea of setting a long period of time to work on bigger goals, so throughout the past few months I put together my own 60 before 30 list. With my 26th birthday approaching in April, 4.3 years may seem like a lot of time to finish 60 goals, but because of the life changes that I expect in our future (most notably, likely moving for Will’s residency and subsequently finding a new place to live, new routines, a new job, and a new support system), I’m giving myself some grace in the time period I have to accomplish these things.

60 before 30 | Pass the Cookies | www.passthecookies.com

Over the next few years I expect there will be things I wish I had added to the list, and things I don’t accomplish, and I’m okay with both of those. There is something gratifying about getting goals out of your head and actually recording them. Some of these goals are serious, some are fun, some I am confident I can accomplish, and some will be more difficult. I’ve split up this list into different areas, to make it easier to follow, and easier to mentally compartmentalize. As I achieve goals, I plan to come back here and update the list. I’m excited to get started and to share my progress throughout the next four years!

Start Date: January 24, 2018
End Date: April 24, 2022
Items Completed: 0/60

Travel and Adventure
1. Create and post a guide to the Triangle (which involves exploring new places, restaurants, cafes, etc around the area)
2. Try 5 new-to-us coffee shops in the Triangle
3. Try (at least) 5 new-to-us restaurants in the Triangle
4. Find a great coffee shop in a city/town we visit
5. Take another trip abroad
6. Go on a road trip in the western United States
7. Visit a state I have never been to before
8. Travel to a non-local town/city I haven’t been to before
9. Go on a trip with just Will
10. Go on a girls trip with my mom and sister
11. Watch a sunrise

Home and Family
12. Celebrate our four year anniversary (June 2018)
13. …and our five year anniversary (June 2019)
14. …and our six year anniversary (June 2020)
15. Start a savings account for a house
16. Learn about different ways to save money (specific accounts, funds, etc)
17. Buy another car
18. Move wherever Will’s residency takes us!
19. Prepare a room (or area, depending on where we live next) in our home for guests to stay in when they visit
20. Transfer all insurances and titles from our parents names to our names
21. Host a dinner party for friends
22. Send a Christmas card
23. Come up with 14 go-to dinners, at least 10 of which are plant-based
24. Cultivate five habits to make our life more “green”
25. Plant a small vegetable garden and actually take care of it
26. Plant herbs and keep them alive for at least half a year
27. Grow a cutting garden with a few types of flowers
28. Seasonally purge my closet of clothes I don’t wear
29. Have professional photographs taken of us
30. Grow our family
31. Start a new family tradition

Skills, Learning, and Hobbies
32. Master the top knot
33. Learn one new hairstyle
34. Expand my makeup skills by setting a time to learn from a makeup savvy friend
35. Bake yeast bread (I have never successfully made a yeasted bread!)
36. Stitch a needlepoint pillow
37. Stitch a needlepoint belt
38. Complete a DIY home project
39. Brush up on my French – get to at least 70% fluency on Duolingo
40. Learn a new skill or improve a current skill
41. Learn more about photography
42. Redesign the blog
43. Read three biographies
44. Read five fiction books
45. Read two classic books
46. Read five nonfiction books
47. Read every day for one month
48. Read the New Testament
49. Try a new workout class
50. Run two half marathons or one full marathon
51. Reach out to and meet other bloggers
52. Attend a workshop to enhance my career
53. Try new wines, learn more about them, and determine which types I typically like

54. Volunteer for a cause I’m passionate about
55. Donate blood
56. Pay for coffee for someone in line behind me
57. Send a small gift to five people out of the blue
58. Unexpectedly give to someone else (monetarily, time, gifts, etc.)
59. Send and unexpected card or package to a friend
60. Bring meals to friends who become new parents

Here we go! Do you share any of these goals? Can help keep me accountable for some in particular?

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