march goals

February was filled to the brim with celebration and travel and hosting. Every weekend we had somewhere to go or people to host – which were all wonderful and filled our cups. But, just as the start of February was a nice fresh start, so is the beginning of March. March brings a new set of things to look forward to, new celebrations, and another step closer to spring – one of my favorite times of the year! I can’t wait for some of the things on my schedule this month, so let’s get started with some March goals to help make it all happen!

2020 March Goals | Pass the Cookies |

Before we move on to March goals, let’s recap February’s progress.
February Goals
Meet our new niece!!! – Such a sweet and beautiful and perfect little baby!
– Read book at least 2 nights/week – I failed miserably at this one. I read a good chunk of my book in a few sittings, but definitely not 2 nights per week.
Finish Bible in one year reading plan – Yes! It took me more than a year, but I finished reading the entire Bible!
Host baby shower – This was so fun and made me extremely grateful for this group of friends we’ve made here in Nashville. The photo above was the savory portion of our spread :).
Make Valentine’s sugar cookies (a family tradition) – Made these delicious cookies for Valentine’s Day and for the aforementioned baby shower.
Be present and spend intentional time with family on our trips and their visits – There was very little phone time and lots and lots of family time this month, with 3 out of 4 weekends spent with our families in three different states.
Find all lodging for an upcoming trip – Found lodging and booked it for all but one night!
Find a clean moisturizer/night cream – Finally found one! We’ll see if it is any good.
– Start a Headspace course – Nope, not at all. This may get back on the list later in the year.
– Create a list of things to do/places to eat in Nashville for friends and family – I made a brief list for my sister’s visit, but need a more “Nashville” list for others who may want to do some of the touristy things.

March Goals
– Be intentional about participating in Lent
– Finish reading The Dutch House
– Celebrate Will’s birthday!
– Do or make something fun for St. Patrick’s Day (maybe this will start a new tradition)
– No Instagram after 7:00 pm (I’ve gotten into a bad habit of checking whenever I’m free and could be doing so much more with my time – like writing blog posts ;) )
– Start a list of go-to meals to make for new parents. With the arrival of our new niece last month, and the expectation of a friend’s baby in Nashville this month, this feels like a good time to start putting this list together. Those of you who have been recipients, tell me what is great or what to avoid!
– Create a list of things to do/places to eat in Nashville for friends and family

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