Looking back at my August goals, the beginning of August seems so far away, yet so much happened in the month. Will traded in hospital clinicals for a new semester of classes, and my work schedule ramped up as our office jumped head first into the academic year. Amidst all of that, we traveled to a traditional Indian full-day wedding and spent quality time with friends and family. We packed August with all of the good stuff.
As we head into the new month, with new September goals, I am excited about the seasons ahead. While fall doesn’t really arrive in North Carolina until October, it has already started to cool down a bit as the pumpkin and apple treats seem to be come more and more appropriate (though those are always appropriate in my book ;) ). We have established some great September/early-fall traditions over the past few years that I am looking forward to continuing this month.
August goals:
– Pick a paint color for the second bedroom – After testing 6 paint colors, we found one we (read: I) liked!
– Paint the second bedroom – Will and his brother did the bulk of this and it looks so good!
– Celebrate weddings with friends
– Enjoy some relaxing time with Will between rotations and the start of classes – Post coming soon!
– Spend quality time with my mom and sister on our inaugural girls trip – Post coming soon!
– Get into a routine with Write the Word journal – This has been a great resource for me and I really like the groove I am in with it right now.
– Read a book at least three days a week – Switched off between a few, but accomplished this one!
– Pick blackberries – I looked for them, but the deer had eaten most of them in one patch and they were starting to shrivel in another patch. We did find some figs instead though, so I would still say we accomplished the general goal of foraging for fruit.
-Make a plan or a timeline for our list of projects
September goals:
– Create and stick to a better editorial calendar for the blog
– Spend a weekend with family at my cousin’s wedding
– Continue to exercise regularly as my work schedule ramps up. Specifically, run when I can and do at-home exercises if the weather is bad.
– Get a mattress for the new bed (DIY coming soon!) in our second bedroom
– Go apple picking!
My goals are short and sweet this month, but hopefully that means I will be able to accomplish them without stress. What is on your list as we finish out the summer and get ready for fall? I’d love to hear!
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