It’s Friday and it’s Summer so what are we all doing on the computer? Let’s get out and get working on that Summer bucket list! I’m ready!
Until then though, here’s some link love to brighten your day.
As I was just saying, it’s Friday and it’s summer. Summer Fridays are apparently all the rage – can we all jump on that train? My favorite quote from this article: ““It’s not like people are really killing it at 4 p.m. on Friday afternoon in the middle of the summer.”
After spending many hours flying to California and back a few weekends ago, I loved this funny article about unwritten airplane etiquette. Sharing a very small space with a bunch of strangers as you are all trying to be comfortable in the stale recirculating air – planes are a funny place.
I recently came across this tradition and think it sounds so fun! We currently use a small table that has been passed down for almost (maybe more than) 100 years now. It was my great grandparents and was passed down to my grandparents, then my parents (we used it as our arts and crafts table growing up), and now to Will and me. It is already filled with memories and love, but imagine if every guest who had come to all of those houses had participated in this tradition!
All my fellow Type-As out there, this one is for you. I love Carly’s post on how to go with the flow when you are Type A. As I was reading it I found myself nodding over and over again at her points and tips. This is absolutely me. As a Type A person, I have a hard time going with the flow, but I want to be able to, for my sake and for the sake of those around me. I have my own strategies that help me try to go with the flow (as only a Type A would) and I love that this post shares even more.
Sometimes I think Lilly Pulitzer can be a little over the top and jarring, but this Lilly Pulitzer suite at Watch Hill Inn is so fun for a beachside hotel room. And when is a more appropriate time to post about Lilly than in the first few days of summer?
Have a wonderful warm weekend, everyone! Let’s have some summer fun!
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