brain tumor trip – nyc part 1

Over the weekend my family took a trip to New York City to celebrate health and family. When I was a freshman in high school my dad underwent surgery and a difficult recovery for a benign, but unknown, type of brain tumor. The following year, around the time of the surgery, we went on a long-weekend trip to celebrate life, family and everyone being healthy one year out. Since then we have made it a yearly tradition to celebrate every year we have together and call it the “brain tumor trip.”  We try to do so by taking a short trip (usually a three-day weekend) to a city that at least one of us has not visited, where we can get by on foot and with public transportation.  This year we went to NYC.  We walked all over (about 33 miles total!) and saw so many sites all over the city.

Since we trekked all over the city, I have lots of photos from all of the places we visited. There are too many to share in one day, so we’ll start with part 1 of the trip. We stayed in a beautiful Air BnB on the Upper West Side and started our trip by stopping in a nearby Momofuku Milk Bar, where we all tried different (delicious) treats.

Brain tumor trip - NYC | Pass the Cookies

Brain tumor trip - NYC | Pass the Cookies

A lot of the walking we did was through Central Park to get from one location to another, and to enjoy the scenery, but there are so many photos from Central Park that I’ll save them all for a separate post. From Momofuku, we walked through the beautiful brownstone lined streets to cross Central Park. We stopped at Belvedere Castle before continuing on to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Upper East Side for a Shake Shack lunch (we had to have the full NY experience ;)).

Brain tumor trip - NYC | Pass the CookiesThe Met was wonderful, and had a huge variety of exhibits. I had been before for specific exhibits, and to see the famous European painters (Degas, Monet, Matisse, Van Gogh, Picasso, etc.) but this time made it to the modern art and American art sections as well. The exhibits are so well curated that the paintings seem to naturally progress and lead you to the painting and the next room. One room contains a style that is incorporated into the next room, but with another layer or slight variation or development, which leads to the next room where that happens again, and on and on and on like that. I definitely recommend checking it out if you are in the city with some time. While you do have to have a sticker to get in, he entry price is suggested and you pay whatever you feel like it is worth.

Brain tumor trip - NYC | Pass the Cookies

Brain tumor trip - NYC | Pass the Cookies

Brain tumor trip - NYC | Pass the Cookies

We walked from the Met to Shake Shack on the Upper East Side for the first Shake Shack meal ever for most of us (excuse the iPhone pic). When in New York, right?

Brain tumor trip - NYC | Pass the Cookies

With some sustenance, water, and renewed energy, we headed back into Central Park for a long, hot walk to Rockefeller Center, and a short downpour along the way. Check back for Central Park, the World Trade Center, Brooklyn, the Highline, and a cute coffee shop in the Village!

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