Happy July! July weather is here in full force with enough humidity to feel like you are swimming as you walk down the street. I love the slow pace of the summer that comes during 4th of July week. Emails slow down, the pool fills up, and everyone is in the mood for a good time. It has been such a nice change from the crazy, hectic spring I had. I traveled a lot in June (which is why I was fairly absent here), and have a few more trips in July, but I feel more settled and am excited to achieve some goals around the house while I have time at home. While it’s not a goal, I also think enjoying ice cream each week might make it on the list by chance ;).
June Goals
– Prepare well for and enjoy my out of town trips (Napa Valley with my family and Denver with college roommates)!
– Maintain some kind of exercise even if I am out of town, busy, or the weather is sweltering hot or thunder-storming (aka typical NC summer afternoon weather).
– Go on at least one walk or bike ride a week with Will – We biked to work/school almost every day and went on at least two after dinner walks a week. I’m hoping to keep this up in July!
– Celebrate our 4th wedding anniversary! – We got live crabs from a local seafood place and had our own crab boil! It reminded me of our honeymoon when we bought a live lobster in Portland, Maine, drove to a condo in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and boiled it for dinner :).
– Set goals for the second half of the year – This took a while, but it’s done! Now to create all of the action steps!
– Finish reading a book – I finished reading You Are A Badass. It was fine, but not my favorite. I felt like parts of it were good, parts of it I didn’t agree with, and parts of it were common sense.
– Come up with a summer bucket list – See it here!
– No Instagram after 10:00 p.m. – I stuck to this goal and also set my phone to automatically be in “do not disturb” mode from 10:30 pm until 7:00 am to minimize interruptions and stressors at night (particularly from emails).
July Goals
– Write down 3 things I’m grateful for each day
– Drink at least 90 ounces of water a day
– Go on at least three walks or bike rides a week with Will
– Celebrate the 4th of July!
– Declutter and organize our bedroom and living area
– Post about Napa and Denver trips
– Prepare well for and enjoy our Chicago trip
– No Instagram after 10:00 p.m.
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