
october goals

October is here, with its Anne of Green Gables quotes, bouquets of sharpened pencils, changing leaves, and (hopefully) cooler temperatures. I am so excited. Along with April (the perfect point in spring) October is one of my favorite months. I love the crisp air, the colors of the trees, the sweaters, and all of the…

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fall fun list

Each year when I walk outside on the first cool morning of September, I get reinvigorated by the changing seasons and excited for fall all over again after a long, hot summer. Looking back, my fall fun list tradition has been the most regular of all of the seasonal lists. I think my lack of…

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september goals

Happy September! I always laugh a little when people say Labor Day is the last weekend of summer. I have always lived in the South, where school starts back before Labor Day and the heat sticks around until at least October, so Labor Day is really just a long weekend that starts off September for…

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august goals

August brings the backside of summer (yet, still the hottest temperatures), the back-to-school frenzy, and a rushed feeling all over social media and around town to fit all summer activities into the long days before the season ends. Another month into the summer also means another month into our time in Nashville and instead of…

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july goals

Happy July! We’re officially halfway through 2019, and with our move and lots of changes last month, July and the second half of this year really feel like a turning point. Last month felt like both a whirlwind and a long ride. We experienced big changes and accomplished a lot, and I’m proud of both….

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june goals

Whew, it’s been a while since I’ve really been in this space. Thanks for bearing with me as I was MIA throughout a crazy May. We still have a busy month ahead of us with a big move as the cornerstone. I’m going to try to commit to more posts here, even if they are…

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may goals

Yes, we are very near the end of May and I’m just getting around to posting my May goals. I’m sure this is the latest I’ve ever posted goals. Part of that is because May has been hectic and wildy busy, and part of that is because I have been trying to create a goals…

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60 before 30 update

Last week I celebrated my 27th birthday. It was a beautiful day and we took full advantage, walking up and down our small town streets, building and recounting memories from our years here. Since my 60 before 30 list ends on my birthday in a few years, I thought it would be fun to do…

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april goals

March was full, to say the least. We started out with a long-weekend road trip to Alabama to visit Will’s sister, celebrated Will’s birthday, anticipated Match Day, found out where we are moving for the next three years and celebrated with family, spent a girls weekend with friends, traveled to Charleston for a wedding, and…

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march goals

After a long, drawn out January, February felt like the short month that it is. I crammed in a lot in the 28 days, both at work and in my personal life, with 9 events at work, a finalized residency match list, an out of town funeral for my wonderful Papa, and the start of…

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